Rich countries keep polluting, blame
This blog is to discuss about environmental problems faced by planet earth.(the views expressed are personal views of the author)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In a statement, Mr. Ramesh said that while
The statement that comes in response to his letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says, “
Further, he said his note had suggested the possibility of some flexibility in
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In Not Evil Just Wrong two Irish filmmakers take on Al Gore and the blind acceptance of his doomsday agenda. Over 3 years in the making with a budget of over $1million, this explosive documentary exposes the distortions and hypocrisy of Gore and the global warming “industry.” It explains the true costs of environmental policies like “cap-and-trade” now before Congress. Today over 31,000 scientists are saying Al Gore is wrong. That CO2 has little effect on planetary temperatures, and there is no climate crisis. But Not Evil Just Wrong is the film that explains it all and will decisively change the public's mind about global warming. The film will be released on October 18th 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize to combat manmade climate change??

The president after taking office has initiated actions on climate change and anthropogenic global warming but actual progress to combat climate change has not been substantial. The House of Representatives has passed cap and trade legislation and the Senate is deliberating its own version. However,USA role on legal cut of emissions is needed as USA is big polluter and it is highly unlikely Obama will have a bill to sign before the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December.
Greenpeace said “If allowed to go unchecked, climate change will wreak havoc on our societies - spurring mass migration, mass starvation and mass extinction. It will spark conflicts worldwide.” The group urged the president to be a “true Nobel Peace Laureate.”
Friday, October 9, 2009
Current carbon dioxide levels also prevailed 15 mn years ago

"We are able, for the first time, to accurately reproduce the ice-core record for the last 800,000 years - the record of atmospheric carbon dioxide based on measurements of carbon dioxide in gas bubbles in ice," Tripathi said. "This suggests that the technique we are using is valid."
"We report evidence for a very close coupling between carbon dioxide levels and climate. When there is evidence for the growth of a large ice sheet on Antarctica or on Greenland or the growth of sea ice in the
The study is slated for publication in the journal Science.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CMS VATAVARAN was initiated in the year 2002 with the following objectives.
• Enhance understanding, appreciation and shift in attitudes towards the natural world and its conservation through films and environment forums
• Increase space for environmental issues in mass media and evolve a nationwide environment outreach framework
• Strengthen collaboration between individuals, government departments, scientific institutions and universities on sustainability, environment, technology and policy making
• Galvanise civil society and evolve a platform for public opinion and decision making processes
• Nurture a new breed of “alternate filmmakers” to widen public dialogue and debate
• Stimulate production of high quality films in the fields of wildlife, nature and environment

The 5th CMS VATAVARAN, the premier Environment and Wildlife Film Festival from
This year the Festival expects 500 films from across the world and more than 1000 delegates (experts, environmentalists, journalists, government officials, filmmakers). As part of the Festival, a bouquet of programmes consisting of workshops, symposiums, eco-tour, exhibition, expos, journalists’ congress, panorama, expert talks will be organised. With a total prize money of INR 20,00,000, 25 awards in 16 Indian categories and 10 awards in 9 international categories, the Festival promises to be both educative and exciting. So, send your film to this acclaimed and exciting film festival and become a part of the movement to conserve environment. Win awards.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Climate talks in Copenhahagen may face
With merely eight days of negotiation time effectively remaining before the final round of talks at
At the same time, the attempt by rich countries to do away with the existing Kyoto Protocol has added fuel to the fire. Even UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon sounded a note of caution, saying a day earlier that time was running out to thrash out a deal at the
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Every country is blaming other country for emission reduction. Developed countries which are much polluter are asking developed countries to reduce pollution of their country. Controlling of emissions has become a political issue among nations. But environment has no boundaries and environment is apolitical.
Scientists say carbon dioxide and other industrial gases are trapping the sun's heat in the atmosphere, causing changes in weather that could lead to crop damage, the spread of deserts and flooding in low-lying countries.The Copenhagen meeting is meant to create a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, which bound 37 industrial countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 percent from 1990 levels by 2012.
A 13-year-old girl from Lucknow, speaking on behalf of the world's three billion children, addressed over a 100 world leaders including U.S. President Barack Obama during a summit on the climate change here..
"We received a very nice planet from our ancestors. It was green, now we have damaged it, polluted it, and we're going to give a bad planet to our successors and this is not right," Ms. Srivastava.
In the name of development we are cutting prime forests and pumping tons of pollutants into atmosphere. It is estimated that in 2007 Amazon lost 46 square kilometer of forest cover per day. Total deforested area reached 640000 square kilometers
Every individual has a role to play to save environment. It is individuals social responsibility to make every one to live in clean and green environment. For this your role is important and essential.
What is your role as individual?
- Consume less electricity, switch off lights when not in use, use as much as natural light, switch off computer monitors when not in use
- Practice the three mantras Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
- Use environment friendly technologies like installing solar water heaters, solar lights, eco friendly products for constructing houses like The fly ash bricks, High performance glass, Wall & Roof insulation, Low VOC paints, adhesives & sealants, CRI certified carpets, FSC Certified wood, high albedo roofing material, Fly ash blocks, Eco-friendly chemicals waterless urinals, high COP chillers, CO2 sensors, root zone treatment plants, wind towers and eco friendly paints are some of the eco friendly materials
- Change your life style. Use less motor cars, walk near by places instead of using motor vehicles and travel in shared vehicles to office. This will reduce use of petrol.
- Plant more trees, plants absorb carbon dioxide and control pollution. Plant trees in your colonies in your compound wall and protect them. Plant tree on the occasion your birth day, wedding anniversary so that you can attach sentimental value so that you can protect it.
- Educate your neighbours and friends and children’s the importance of environment